Statement & CV
My artistic practice is grounded in research across disciplines, material experimentation, and most importantly, play. I catalog and work with observed everyday moments and phenomena. They are occurrences I regularly encounter on errands, at work, and while traveling. They come in an infinite variety of forms and arrangements, but all of them consist of a set of variables and conditions that only briefly align in relation to me. Every moment I collect is notational and feeds into ongoing bodies of work that include videos, drawings, and sculptural installations.
The pieces I create and how they are displayed vary, but all function as attempts to understand and organize unwieldy amounts of collected stimuli. Each effort is a physical trace that brushes against the unfolding of a world always in flux. Storytelling plays a key role in both making and accessing the work and acts as a scaffolding supporting constellations of work that are equal parts knowing and unknown. The works I make act as punctuation, marking flashes of understanding and connection.
An essential part of my practice relies on how I experience these moments in relation to the people around me, and how existing in community with curious people activates new avenues of understanding through conversation and shared experience. The work itself is practiced attention, a formation of connective tissue, and each limited attempt in my studio helps to uncover glimpses of the profound interconnectedness that permeates everyday life.